We are quickly rolling into the Thanksgiving break and finals week of fall 2020. I take this time now to remind everyone to take time for themselves and to self-care. This quarter has been wild from beginning to end. Our second virtual quarter at Cal Poly, the world has gone through a lot in the past ten weeks. I bet no one remembers that we started with the state of California on fire, and an air quality that was unbreathable. We end with an election that leaves the country divided, and many unable to accept the results. All throughout this, the number of COVID-19 cases in SLO and in the world have steadily increased and the world become a more dangerous place to live. It is 2AM when I write this, so obviously I myself am not the pinnacle of self-care either. Steadily learning to take time for myself is an ongoing process. Even so, I want to tell the world, this MultiCultural Center to take the time to remember that we cannot produce our best work when we, ourselves, are not our best. And with the world in shambles and a time where they’re may not seem an end, our own mental health must take a priority. I guarantee, a few hours to watch a Hallmark movie with a face mask, and a Christmas mug of hot cocoa made with oat milk can change your life.
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